
Affichage des articles du mai, 2022

Membre PI!!

 Je suis membre du réseau de crypto-monnaies PI !  Pi est une nouvelle crypto-monnaie développée par les docteurs en informatique de Stanford, avec plus de 33 millions de membres dans le monde. Pour réclamer votre Pi, suivez ce lien et utilisez mon nom d'utilisateur ( Judgedreed1975 ) comme code d'invitation. Tous les gens normaux peuvent venir sur le réseau PI pour changer un peu les forces économiques qui tuent notre société. Plus nous sommes nombreux, plus nous agissons ! Qu'est-ce qui est cool !!!!   À propos de PI : Copie : Réseau Pi Bienvenue dans la FAQ et le support Choisissez votre langue Bienvenue sur notre page d'assistance ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous des étapes pour trouver des ressources susceptibles de répondre à vos questions sur Pi. 1. Lire la FAQ (Foire aux questions) Pour les premières questions sur le réseau Pi - par exemple, comment gagner des Pi ou comment fonctionne l'application Pi - co...

PI Member!

  I'm member of the PI crypto network!  Pi is a new Cryptocurrency developed by Stanford Computer Science Doctors, with over 33 millions members worldwide.  To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username ( Judgedreed1975 ) as your invitation code. All the normal people can come on the PI network to change a bit of the economic forces that kill our society. The more we are, the more we do! What is cool!!!!   About PI: copy: Pi Network Welcome to the FAQ & Support Choose your language Welcome to our support page! Below are steps to find resources that may answer questions about Pi. 1. Read the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) For initial questions about the Pi Network — e.g. how to earn Pi or how the Pi App works — check out our FAQ below. Dive deeper into Pi Network’s vision, mission, and protocol here. Disclaimer: Pi is NOT free money. Pi is NOT free money. It is a long-term project whose success ...

Cash On The Net Reviews: Mistery Farm Tycoon (on googleplay)

COTN has tried for you... : Mistery farm tycoon (on googleplay)   All public application, when you want your kids to get made.....     Clearly a scam application, this doesn't even must be downloaded as Ms (or Mr or All Hong Kong) (the person link from Hong Kong) will ask you first to watch a lot of Adds to get coins to be able to buy your ETH (Ethereum).   Then you reach the first 1'000'000 coins to free to reward....but.... then you have to reach 2'500'000coins.... to get the reward.... and last 4'000'000 coins to pay the transaction bill. Here you just unlocked the right to ask ETH.......  but you won't get nothing.   Then you have to ask for, let's say 0.9ETH, and you will again go through watching 35 videos which are not all counted (don't know why) to validate the transaction. In fact NO.   You will again need to pay 4.90CHF for the transaction fees asked by Ms .   If you pay..... NOTHING at a...